22 Ways To Bring Your Facebook Page (Back) To Life
1. List your Music/Business Page on your personal profile
2. Activate the Call-to-action button on your Page (Join Group)
3. Use Facebook Live
4. Link to your website in your cover/profile photo description
5. Double check the content in your About tab
6. Rearrange the navigation tabs to feature Tour Dates (or sign up, etc.)
7. Invite friends to like your Page
8. Use Facebook groups to connect with others
9. Use the Bandsintown platform for your tour dates
10. Post candid video content
11. Change up your cover photo and profile picture
12. Like and respond to fans’ comments
13. Run a giveaway competition
14. Target posts about shows to specific locations
15. Take advantage of Facebook ads
16. Analyze your insights to see what posts get the best response and create more similar content
17. Ask fans to add your Page to their favorites
18. Like and interact with Pages from your Page
19. Schedule posts in advance
20. Pin a post to the top of your Timeline (consider a video of post about your upcoming tour)
21. Post teaser content and link to your site for more
22. Share behind the scenes photos
This post is an excerpt from Katherine's workbook, Market Your Music Online. Buy on Amazon.